About Us

Our brand is founded on the belief that personal care is integral to holistic wellness. Our goal is to help women see themselves as the beautiful, wonderful, deserving, and capable beings that they are. We encourage women to slow down, prioritise and treat themselves better.

Our cosmetic products empower self-care, an incentive for women to improve their quality of life. Our products range from gua sha to dry brushes and oil. These products require your alone-time, relaxed, and away from all kinds of pressure, allowing women to enjoy their own company.

Our end-game is to create a holistic, luxurious spa within homes, where women can receive pure care. We are inspired by the words of Salli Hughes: “Appearance is a crucial part of our identities; grooming is a form of self-care that allows us to feel like ourselves when our worlds become unrecognisable.” Beauty is not an artificial, fake “layer” which we use to lie and hide from the world; beauty facilitates the way we think of ourselves, how we present ourselves to others, how we interact with one another. While beauty isn’t extrinsic to our humanness, it is integral to it.”

We believe that beauty and self-care is about using simple but high-quality products that give that elegant but laid-back appearance with a unique radiance. Our products are designed for just that; for fixing the finer details that guarantee a simple yet sophisticated look. When you are comfortable with your appearance, you feel confident, and it reflects in your interactions. You remain happy and fulfilled.